An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is assigned to businesses for tax purposes. An EIN is a unique nine-digit number used to identify employers and businesses for tax filing and reporting requirements. If you are based in New York and are looking to open a business or expand an existing one, you may be required to obtain an EIN from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Fortunately, getting an EIN number is relatively straightforward – if you have the right help. Here’s what you need to know about getting an EIN number in New York.

Do I Need an EIN?

Before you apply for an EIN, it’s important to determine whether you need one. Generally speaking, an EIN is required to operate a business that:

Pays salaries or wages to employees.

Withholds taxes on income other than wages.

Files business tax returns.

Claims taxes for employees who work from home.

Pays insurance premiums to a state-funded insurance program.

Involves partnerships such as limited liability companies (LLC).

Conducts business with banks or other financial institutions.

Files employment tax returns.

You may also need an EIN if you are a sole proprietor and you have employees who aren’t related to you, you’re a nonprofit organization, or your business is located outside the United States.

How to Obtain an EIN in New York

If you’re based in New York and need an EIN, you have a few options. One of the most straightforward is to contact a local business attorney with experience in EIN filing. Your attorney can help guide you through the process and provide tailored advice on the best course of action for your particular situation. Even if your business is located outside of New York, a local attorney can help ensure that you are compliant with the Uniform Business Code while both applying for and making use of your EIN.

You may also be able to obtain an EIN directly from the IRS. Alternatively, the Small Business Administration’s website provides additional resources for obtaining an EIN.

What is the Application Process?

The application process for obtaining an EIN can vary based on your circumstances and reason for applying – for example, if you’re applying as a sole proprietor or LLC or if you’re applying for your first or subsequent number. Generally speaking, the application process requires the completion of an EIN application form with information such as your business address, business activity, and responsible party name and Social Security Number (SSN).

What Else Do I Need to Know?

Because the EIN application process can be complicated, it’s wise to seek the advice of a local attorney familiar with New York business regulations and tax laws. This can help ensure that you understand the full implications of obtaining an EIN before you apply and make use of it.

Additionally, keep in mind that if you’re applying for an EIN as a business located in the state of New York, you may also need to apply for a Sales and Use tax ID number, additional licenses, and/or permits. Seeking the counsel of a knowledgeable attorney is the best way to ensure that you have all the legal requirements necessary to start and operate your business in the state of New York.

Last ideas

If you’re a New York business with plans to take on new employees, open a bank account, or file taxes, you may need to obtain an EIN. It’s important to remember that obtaining an EIN may also require additional steps such as applying for state and local licenses and permits, so it’s wise to seek the advice of a local business attorney. With the right help, the process can be relatively straightforward – giving you peace of mind and confidence that you’re compliant with all necessary laws and regulations.


EIN number,

New York,

Business Attorney