Poughkeepsie Startup Attorneys & Lawyers

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Steven S.

Steven Stark

579 reviews
For over 30 years, Steven Stark has offered counsel to non-profit organizations and private companies. He has a passion for helping small businesses in particular since he himself started several businesses of his own in New York and Florida. He understands the importance of small businesses having a reliable attorney to advise them about legal matters from their inception.
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Jake S.

Jake Siciliano

257 reviews
Jake graduated from Thomas Jefferson School of Law where he focused on international trademark and corporate law. As of 2022, he has obtained his L.L.M. in Financial Compli... read more
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Richard G.

Richard Gora

200 reviews
Looking for an attorney with experience? Richard Gora is the exact attorney you want. Having defended over 100 cases both in state and federal courts and working with clients from around the globe, Richard has an array of different experiences. His services are wide-ranging and include business litigation, securities litigations, employment litigation, and business counsel. Prior to founding Gora LLC, he worked for Finn, Dixon & Herling LLP for eight years.
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Conor T.

Conor Teevan

151 reviews
Top-tier talent shouldn’t have to come with a top-tier fee. This is why Conor Teevan combines his top-tier expertise (Yale undergrad, Stanford Law) with affordability. Conor has represented Silicon Valley startups, real estate investors, artists creating companies, and even a child author in need of a book deal. Conor himself started a real estate company with holdings in five states.
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Daniel W.

Daniel Weberman

29 reviews
I am an experienced New York Attorney pleased to offer my services to clients who are seeking assistance with startup consulting and/or business related legal work. My expe... read more
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Eric B.

Eric Broad

14 reviews
I’m the Founder and CEO of Bowery Legal, a firm composed of startup and venture capital lawyers and entrepreneurs who have worked at big law firms such as Latham & Watk... read more
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Outside Legal Counsel L.

Outside Legal Counsel Llp

14 reviews
What sets us apart from others in our industry is the level of personalized attention and care we put into building relationships with clients. We pride ourselves in gettin... read more
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Eric W.

Eric West

7 reviews
At London West Law Firm there are five core 1) Empathy enables communication which enables understanding 2) To know an issue you must know the facts 3) Client empowerment ... read more
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Mark L.

Mark Lesniak

4 reviews
YourNewYorkCounsel (tm) is a legal resource for small business owners, creatives, small developers and place-makers (IRR). YourNewYorkCounsel(tm) has worked with its clie... read more
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Matthew H.

Matthew Herlihy

2 reviews
My primary focus has been acting as outside general counsel. I find this to be the most productive form of counsel which can be provided. Acting as outside general counsel ... read more
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Legal Entity

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A legal entity refers to a legally standing or lawful partnership. That partnership could be an association, a trust, a proprietorship, a corporation, or an individual. All such entities are legally able to be accountable for activities against the law, enter contracts or agreements, incur and pay back debts, be sued and sue other entities, and assume obligations. While legal entities are able to do many things, a legal entity cannot hold office or vote. 

Legal entities are frequently seen in scenarios and instances where an individual can take a class-action lawsuit against a company or the manufacturer that supplies the products for a company. Another scenario where the term "legal entity" applies is when every member of a band si


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Updated June 23, 2020:

What Is a Shell Corporation?

A shell corporation is a company with financial assets but no significant business activity. Shell corporations don't create products, hire employees, or generate revenue. Rather, they store money and engage in financial transactions. Shell corporations can be used for illegal purposes like money laundering or legitimate purposes like storing funds in the early stages of a startup.

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